Friday, 30 August 2013

The Truth About Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are an incredibly common medical condition and yet it is something which is rarely talked about. It is believed that 50% of Americans have this condition by the time they reach the age of 50 and yet only 500,000 of these people seek medical help for the problem. Of these, between 10 and 20% require surgery to have their hemorrhoids removed.

Hemorrhoids are caused by the veins in the rectum and anus becoming swollen and inflamed. The location of the piles can be internal or external and the symptoms vary dependent on this. If the hemorrhoids are internal, they can go undetected as pain receptors are not present internally. The only evidence of the problem can be blood in the bowel movements as they pass through the area. External piles are widely known to resemble a bunch of grapes and can be extremely painful for the sufferer. Of the two types, it would appear that internal hemorrhoids are the better of the two to have as you may not even know it. However, external piles can be easily treated whereas internal piles, when left undetected, can result in more serious complications.

If an internal hemorrhoid becomes severely distended over time it can be pushed out of the anus and so be visible externally. This is very unpleasant as it means that the internal passage is obstructed, making passing bowel movements difficult and painful. This is called prolapsed hemorrhoids. Once this has happened it is quite common for the anus to spasm and the sphincter can then trap the prolapsed hemorrhoid outside of the body. This then prevents the blood supply from reaching it and it becomes a strangulated hemorrhoid.

Causes of hemorrhoids can be due to genetic tendency or environmental factors. Some people are born with weak veins in their rectum and so there is little they can do to prevent it from happening. However, for others there are more wide ranging reasons behind the condition.

Pregnancy is widely acknowledged to exacerbate the prevalence of hemorrhoids. During childbirth itself, the excessive straining can cause the problem to occur. This can also be the case when straining forcefully whilst in the bathroom. This can be prevented by increasing fibre in the diet, upping your water intake and reducing that of diuretic drinks. A diuretic generally contains caffeine and this actually dehydrates the body by the intake of the fluid. It is also recommended that you do not sit on the toilet for longer than necessary, for example if you are reading in the bathroom. The position in which you sit on the toilet can also increase the problem.

Many people find that outbreaks of piles can be treated by undertaking the same habits as I suggested to prevent them in the first place. Topical creams are also available which can soothe the area and encourage a reduction in the swelling. Once the swelling has gone down, the hemorrhoids are able to retreat back into the body. However, should these treatments not work within a matter of days, or should you experience prolonged or regular bouts of haemorrhoids you should seek medical attention from your doctor.

Treating And Preventing Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, or piles as they are commonly known, are the inflamed and swollen veins around the anus or the lower part of the rectum. Hemorrhoids may result from inordinate straining to pass out stool. Pregnancy, constipation or diarrhea, anal intercourse, and aging also may lead to the formation of hemorrhoids.

 Hemorrhoids can be external or internal. It is easy to confuse other anorectal problems like fissures, fistula, or abscesses with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are not life threatening and the symptoms usually go away after a few days.


Though many people have hemorrhoids, only a few experience the symptoms.

Internal hemorrhoids

These can neither be seen nor felt. But when a person strains to pass stool, the delicate surface of the hemorrhoid may get injured and this may cause it to bleed. Internal anal membranes do not have pain-sensitive nerve fibers, so the hemorrhoids do not cause discomfort. If an internal hemorrhoid is pushed through the anal opening due to straining, it can lead to pain and irritation.

External hemorrhoids

These are the painful hemorrhoids. If blood pools in the external hemorrhoid, it is called a thrombus. This forms a clot and causes severe pain, inflammation and swelling. If this hemorrhoid is disturbed, it can cause bleeding and itching.

Hemorrhoids are an embarrassing problem for many, but it is also very common among both men and women. More than half the population suffers from this problem by the time they reach 50. Hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women.


Increased pressure in the veins of the lower rectum is what leads to hemorrhoids. Pressure is often applied due to:

-Constipation and the accompanying strain to release stool
-Continuous expulsion of loose stools through diarrhea
-Heavy lifting
-Standing or sitting for a long time
-Pregnancy and childbirth


Rectal bleeding is the most common indication of internal hemorrhoids. But, rectal bleeding may also be a symptom of digestive diseases. The doctor will examine the area for swollen blood vessels, which indicate hemorrhoids. If rectal bleeding is accompanied by dizziness, light-headedness or fainting, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
 External hemorrhoids may be detected just by looking. To ascertain the presence of an internal hemorrhoid, the doctor may need to do a colonoscope, anoscope or sigmoidoscoope.


The first phase of the treatment aims at relieving symptoms. Taking a warm tub bath several times a day in mild, warm water for about 10 minutes is effective. Some hemorrhoidal cream applied to the affected area also helps.

Persistent bleeding and painful hemorrhoids may need more intricate treatment. Common procedures include Banding, Sclerotherapy, applying Infrared light, and lastly, surgery.


-Eat food rich in fiber. This will soften the stool and make it bulky, thus facilitating easy passage.
-Drink lots of water: This also eases and quickens bowel movements.
-Fiber supplements: Fiber supplements can help. Supplements should be taken with plenty of water. Otherwise, constipation results.
-Exercising regularly can help increase the blood circulation and also helps to lose weight.
-Avoid standing or sitting for long periods as this increases pressure on the veins.
-Use the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge, otherwise stools become hard and difficult to pass.

Self-care is the best care if your hemorrhoids are in the early stages. You can alleviate pain and discomfort by:

-Using topical treatments like creams
-Keeping the anal area completely neat
-Soaking regularly in warm water helps relieve pain.
-Applying ice packs or cold compresses to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
-Gently pushing a prolapsed hemorrhoid back into the anal canal.
-Using wet toilet paper to prevent friction.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Treatment Of Hemorrhoids - Part II

Learn how hemorrhoids are treated through self care, medical treatment, and surgery. Now, British researchers say the compound could be an effective treatment for the severe pain that can follow surgery to remove hemorrhoids. Most do not require surgery or other treatment unless the hemorrhoids are very large and painful.

 This treatment is consequently effective to help prevent vein breakage after surgery, when an operation is the chosen method to remove hemorrhoids. This treatment shrinks hemorrhoids upon application and provides safe elimination of hemorrhoids within days without scarring, tissue damage, or invasive surgery. - Surgery to remove the hemorrhoids may be used if other treatments fail.

Surgery to remove the hemorrhoids may be used if other treatments fail. For severe cases of hemorrhoids, such as prolapsed, thrombosed, or strangulated hemorrhoids, surgery may be the only treatment option. It is usually considered only for severe hemorrhoids.Surgery may be done if other treatments (including home treatment) have failed. No longer do you have to worry about messy ointments or expensive surgery with extensive recovery time associated with other hemorrhoids treatment.

With early detection, a patient with hemorrhoids, is usually able to undergo a painless and non-invasive, non-surgical treatment using infrared coagulation (IRC). "With early detection, a patient with hemorrhoids, is usually able to undergo a painless and non-invasive, non-surgical treatment using infrared coagulation (IRC). Infrared coagulation: a new treatment for hemorrhoids. A randomized comparison of infrared photocoagulation with bipolar diathermy for the outpatient treatment of hemorrhoids.

The vast majority of hemorrhoids don't require invasive medical treatment. Severe hemorrhoids may even require surgical treatment. Severe hemorrhoids may require special treatment, much of which can be performed on an outpatient basis. Therefore, hemorrhoids require the proper diagnosis and treatment by a physician. Small ulcerated external hemorrhoids usually do not require any treatment for hemostasis. Though PPH may be a simple and effective treatment for hemorrhoids, any surgeon attempting this procedure would still require formal training.

Men are more likely than women to suffer from hemorrhoids that require professional medical treatment. Men are more likely than women to suffer from hemorrhoids that require professional medical treatment.Causes and symptomsPrecisely why hemorrhoids develop is unknown.

When symptoms such as itching, burning, or pain occur, it is important to find a herbal treatment for hemorrhoids as soon as possible. This is a highly effective anti inflammatory treatment formulated exclusively to stop bleeding and ease acute pain from hemorrhoids. If pain persists, talk to a physician about other hemorrhoids treatment options. Most creams or suppositories used in the treatment of hemorrhoids are directed at reducing the pain and itching symptoms. If you are having pain that you know is from hemorrhoids, but no bleeding, home treatment may be all that is needed. Post operative problems include bleeding, pain and urinary retention For external hemorrhoids treatment is by excision.

Bring fast effective hemorrhoids relief with this anti-inflammatory formula treatment. Roid Relief is a topical treatment proven to immediately penetrate into cell membranes to provide instant relief for people suffering from hemorrhoids. If the patient waits three or more days, hemorrhoids treatment will resolve the discomfort, but relief may take up to a week. Some quality natural products for treatment of hemorrhoids can yield complete relief. The best example is Venapro.

Since hemorrhoids are partly caused by large solid bowl movements one treatment used to prevent hemorrhoids is a fiber supplement. Authors' conclusions The use of fiber shows a consistent beneficial effect for relieving overall symptoms and bleeding in the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids. Meta-analyses using random-effects models showed that laxatives in the form of fiber had a beneficial effect in the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids.

Authors' conclusions: The use of fiber shows a consistent beneficial effect for relieving overall symptoms and bleeding in the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids. Insoluble fiber is the preferred treatment for hemorrhoids, not soluble fiber as attested by the recommendations for wheat bran by so many surgeons. Changing one diet to include more fiber and water to soften stools and prevent constipation is also an effective treatment for hemorrhoids.

'Treatment Of Hemorrhoids - Part I

Initial medical treatment of hemorrhoids is aimed at relieving symptoms and It is important to see a doctor if you have any rectal bleeding.

New comfortable office treatments have taken the fear out of hemorrhoids. For the majority of patients who do truly have symptomatic hemorrhoids, treatment can often be performed in the office with minimum morbidity and discomfort. The good news is that new comfortable office treatments have taken the fear out of hemorrhoids. These treatments are usually done on grade 1 to 3 hemorrhoids in the healthcare provider's office.

A prospective study of infrared coagulation, injection, and rubber band ligation in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Outpatient treatment of hemorrhoids: A randomized clinical trial to compare rubber band ligation with phenol injection. Prospective randomized comparison of photocoagulation and rubber band ligation in treatment of hemorrhoids. Three-year follow-up study on the treatment of first- and second-degree hemorrhoids by sclerosant injection or rubber band ligation. Optimal nonsurgical treatment of hemorrhoids: a comparative analysis of infrared coagulation, rubber band ligation, and injection sclerotherapy. As can be seen the treatment of hemorrhoids with rubber bands is a simple and effective method of curing this ailment. Ligation - the rubber band treatment - works effectively on internal hemorrhoids that protrude with bowel movements. - Rubber band ligation is an outpatient treatment for second-degree internal hemorrhoids. Rubber band ligation is probably the most widely used of the many treatments for internal hemorrhoids (and the least costly for the patient). If they do return, they can be treated again with rubber band ligation or other treatments.1Infrared photocoagulation is also used to treat small hemorrhoids. Research is now under way comparing stapled hemorrhoidopexy with rubber band ligation and hemorrhoidectomy as a first-line treatment for internal hemorrhoids. A prospective study of infrared coagulation, injection and rubber band ligation in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Optimal nonsurgical treatment of hemorrhoids: A comparative analysis of infrared coagulation, rubber band ligation, and injection sclerotherapy. Optimal nonsurgical treatment of hemorrhoids: a comparative analysis of infrared coagulation, rubber band ligation and injection sclerotherapy. Three year follow-up study on the treatment of first and second degree hemorrhoids by sclerosant injection or rubber band ligation.

The natural treatments used for varicose veins are also often recommended for hemorrhoids, because a hemorrhoid is actually a special kind of varicose vein. This proven effective treatment is to be used to eliminate chronic hemorrhoid conditions, or to eliminate hemorrhoids from a recent diagnosis. Fast acting hemorrhoid treatment for hemorrhoids. the effective hemorrhoid treatment Helping the world discover long term relief for hemorrhoids and piles. Hemorrhoid Treatment Pregnant women frequently experience hemorrhoids due to the increased pressure on the rectal area caused by the developing baby. Hemorrhoid treatment and information site devoted to information on hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid treatment by Dr. Your Information Your choices are:Use home treatments to control hemorrhoid symptoms.Have a fixative procedure that cuts off the blood flow to the hemorrhoids. Home treatments provide sufficient relief from hemorrhoid symptoms.You have external hemorrhoids that are causing symptoms and have not improved with home treatment. Natural hemorrhoid treatments that act as anti-inflammatories have proven to be extremely successful over long-term periods to treat and heal hemorrhoids. Neo Healer hemorrhoid treatment cream works on a unique three-pronged principle to cure hemorrhoids: 1. Procedures to treat hemorrhoids Some hemorrhoids can't be managed with conservative treatments alone, either because symptoms persist or because an internal hemorrhoid has prolapsed. For more serious cases of hemorrhoids, there are several hemorrhoid treatment techniques used by physicians. Hemorrhoid treatmentInformation on hemorrhoids and various types of hemorrhoid treatment options.

A randomized trial of photocoagulation or injection sclerotherapy for the treatment of first- and second-degree hemorrhoids. A randomized trial of photocoagulation or injection sclerotherapy for the treatment of first and second-degree hemorrhoids: Disease of the colon and rectum. Introduction Injection sclerotherapy remains a universally popular method for the treatment of first and second degree hemorrhoids in the outpatient clinic. In conventional allopathic treatment, the hemorrhoids may sometimes be hardened by injection, tied off (the preferred method), or removed by surgery.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Treating And Preventing Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, or piles as they are commonly known, are the inflamed and swollen veins around the anus or the lower part of the rectum. Hemorrhoids may result from inordinate straining to pass out stool. Pregnancy, constipation or diarrhea, anal intercourse, and aging also may lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be external or internal. It is easy to confuse other anorectal problems like fissures, fistula, or abscesses with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are not life threatening and the symptoms usually go away after a few days.


Though many people have hemorrhoids, only a few experience the symptoms.

Internal hemorrhoids

These can neither be seen nor felt. But when a person strains to pass stool, the delicate surface of the hemorrhoid may get injured and this may cause it to bleed. Internal anal membranes do not have pain-sensitive nerve fibers, so the hemorrhoids do not cause discomfort. If an internal hemorrhoid is pushed through the anal opening due to straining, it can lead to pain and irritation.

External hemorrhoids

These are the painful hemorrhoids. If blood pools in the external hemorrhoid, it is called a thrombus. This forms a clot and causes severe pain, inflammation and swelling. If this hemorrhoid is disturbed, it can cause bleeding and itching.

Hemorrhoids are an embarrassing problem for many, but it is also very common among both men and women. More than half the population suffers from this problem by the time they reach 50. Hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women.


Increased pressure in the veins of the lower rectum is what leads to hemorrhoids. Pressure is often applied due to:

-Constipation and the accompanying strain to release stool
-Continuous expulsion of loose stools through diarrhea
-Heavy lifting
-Standing or sitting for a long time
-Pregnancy and childbirth


Rectal bleeding is the most common indication of internal hemorrhoids. But, rectal bleeding may also be a symptom of digestive diseases. The doctor will examine the area for swollen blood vessels, which indicate hemorrhoids. If rectal bleeding is accompanied by dizziness, light-headedness or fainting, a doctor should be consulted immediately. External hemorrhoids may be detected just by looking. To ascertain the presence of an internal hemorrhoid, the doctor may need to do a colonoscope, anoscope or sigmoidoscoope.


The first phase of the treatment aims at relieving symptoms. Taking a warm tub bath several times a day in mild, warm water for about 10 minutes is effective. Some hemorrhoidal cream applied to the affected area also helps.

Persistent bleeding and painful hemorrhoids may need more intricate treatment. Common procedures include Banding, Sclerotherapy, applying Infrared light, and lastly, surgery.


-Eat food rich in fiber. This will soften the stool and make it bulky, thus facilitating easy passage.
-Drink lots of water: This also eases and quickens bowel movements.
-Fiber supplements: Fiber supplements can help. Supplements should be taken with plenty of water. Otherwise, constipation results.
-Exercising regularly can help increase the blood circulation and also helps to lose weight.
-Avoid standing or sitting for long periods as this increases pressure on the veins.
-Use the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge, otherwise stools become hard and difficult to pass.

Self-care is the best care if your hemorrhoids are in the early stages. You can alleviate pain and discomfort by:

-Using topical treatments like creams
-Keeping the anal area completely neat
-Soaking regularly in warm water helps relieve pain.
-Applying ice packs or cold compresses to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
-Gently pushing a prolapsed hemorrhoid back into the anal canal.
-Using wet toilet paper to prevent friction.

What are Hemorrhoids?

When someone has a hemorrhoid problem, they are going to be very uncomfortable and will have to do something in order to take care of this annoyance.  Having hemorrhoids means that a person has a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed.  This may result in the straining to move bowels.  The most common people to get hemorrhoids are pregnant women, people that are aging, chronic constipation or diarrhea and anal intercourse.

Hemorrhoids are either inside the anus or under the skin around the anus.  This means that they are usually internal or external.  There are creams and medications for the external problems; however, the internal hemorrhoids may result in surgery or other procedures to remove them.
Many of these hemorrhoid problems will mean that any person with them will have pain or itching in that area.  Hemorrhoids are usually not dangerous or life threatening.  In most cases, the symptoms will go away in a few days.  Although many people with them will not experience any symptoms at all.  The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet itself.
An internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body and this is what will become painful.  This is called non other than a protruding hemorrhoid.   Symptoms of the external hemorrhoids may be painful as well.  This will also include swelling or a hard surface around the anus that results when a blot clot forms.
It is normal to have a hemorrhoid problem.  They are very common in both men and women.  So many pregnant women have to deal with the pain of hemorrhoids along with everything else that they have to go through while pregnant.  Others will have hemorrhoids by the age of fifty.

There are many treatments of hemorrhoids and the symptoms that they cause.  Sitting in a warm bath a few times a day will help to relive pain.  There are also a lot of creams available both over the counter and by prescription that can help to heal and ease the pain of the hemorrhoids.
In extreme cases, it may be determined by a doctor that a person must have surgery to remove the hemorrhoids.  This is to help those that have severe bleeding or anemia and cannot take the loss of blood.  This will eliminate the problems of the hemorrhoids so that the person can live a happier and healthier lifestyle.
To prevent hemorrhoids, many people with constipation should relive the pressure of straining.  You should have lots of fiber and fruits in your diet and drink plenty of water.  This will help to soften the stool and will not cause so much strain.  A stool softener may also be necessary to fix this type of problem.

What do You Know About Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are masses or clumps of tissue within the anal canal that are made up off blood vessels and supporting tissue, which is made up of muscle and elastic fibers.  The anal canal is the last four centimeters that stool passes from the rectum. Even though people assume that hemorrhoids are abnormal, everyone has them. 

It is only when they become enlarged are they considered abnormal or a disease. Only about four percent of the public experience problems with hemorrhoids.  They are found equally in men and woman and usually occur when a person is between 45-65 years old.

It is unknown what truly causes hemorrhoids to enlarge, but there are many theories.  The high intake of fiber could be one.  It is theories that they are caused from sitting too long on the toilet or having chronic constipation.  The only clear theory is pregnancy.  It is not clear why, but it is common in pregnant woman. 

Tumors that are in the pelvis area can cause the enlargement because they press on the veins.  Another theory is from the force of hard stool.  The passing through the canal, it can drag the hemorrhoid cushions downward. Sometimes with age, the hemorrhoid tissue begins to deteriorate and slides down the anal canal.

Some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids are when you get pains in your lower abdomen or when you feel pressure near the intestines.  When the hemorrhoid continues to enlarge, it will pull down a portion of the rectum lining and protrude from the anus. 

This is called relapsing internal hemorrhoid. You may also find blood in stool.  This is a sign of hemorrhoids.  You may also experience anal itchiness, but this is less common.  Sometimes mucus secretes from the rectal lining, it will cause the area to be constantly moist, and that will cause itching.  Hemorrhoids do require some medical attention, because they can cause gangrene.

In general, if you feel any bulges or pressure near the anus, you could have hemorrhoids.  When they are smaller, you may not feel anything because they have no effect on the function of the anus.  External hemorrhoids are the ones that can cause the most problems. It can be very painful and requires medical attention.  External hemorrhoids will heal, eventually, but scarring or discomfort when bathing maybe a side effect.

When you seek medical attention, your doctor will put you on a grading system. First-degree hemorrhoids will bleed but not protrude from the anus.  Second-degree hemorrhoids are protruding, but retract by them and can bleed.  Third degree hemorrhoids are protruding and can be pushed back with a finger.  The fourth degree hemorrhoid is protruding and cannot be pushed back in.  They contain blood clots and pull much of the rectum through the anus.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Understanding External Or Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen and enlarged anal veins. They appear due to numerous causes such as sitting on the toilet too long, straining when passing a bowel movement, and they are sometimes caused by the strain and excess weight of a fetus during pregnancy.

There are internal hemorrhoids and external, or prolapsed hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids occur high up in the rectum and generally the only symptom you will notice is some bright red blood on the stool, or in the toilet. It is when they prolapse they can become problematic.

Some prolapsed hemorrhoids will only bulge out with a bowel movement and will spontaneously go back into the rectum. Some hemorrhoids prolapse with a bowel movement and can be pushed back inside the rectum. A prolapsed hemorrhoid that cannot be pushed back into the rectum may require surgery. These severe hemorrhoids may also prolapse with coughing and sneezing. They may also have a chronic mucus type discharge.

If you're lucky, and diligent, you can treat some hemorrhoids with surgery. The first recommendation is to increase the fiber in your diet. This can easily be done by taking a fiber supplement on a daily basis. Increase your water intake to help keep your stools soft. Take a stool softener, following the manufacturers recommendations. When you wipe don't use toilet paper, use a cotton ball or pad pre moistened with witch haze. You can buy pre moistened pads at your local drug store. For itching you an use any of the numerous over the counter hemorrhoidal preparations.

If the above recommendations don't help, your physician may recommend hemorrhoid surgery. Small hemorrhoids can be "banded". A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid. This band stops the blood circulation that feeds the hemorrhoid. The hemorrhoid shrivels and withers away. Some surgeons treat hemorrhoids with sclerosing agents, which do the same thing as a band.

Laser coagulation an be performed. With laser coagulation a small electrical current is applied to the hemorrhoid via a probe. This electrical current causes the blood flow to the hemorrhoid to stop, causing it to wither away.

With larger hemorrhoids surgical removal is performed, usually with local or spinal anesthesia. After the hemorrhoid is removed gauze packing is used to help reduce bleeding. There is generally a 4-5 day period of "down time" following this surgery.

Any rectal bleeding should be checked by your physician.

What You Should Know: Causes of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids involve the response of the blood vessels in the area of the rectum to pressure. This pressure can come from various sources and typically will cause pain and irritation. There are various reasons for hemorrhoids, and knowing them can help in making lifestyle changes and minimize the pain they cause.

Constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids. This causes bowel movements to put strain on the rectal area, thereby putting pressure on the blood vessels and causing swelling and irritation. Strained bowel movements can cause bleeding from the blood vessels in the rectal area as well. Preventing constipation is an important step in preventing and minimizing the effects of hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy is the next leading cause of hemorrhoids. Pregnancy can also cause an increase in the pressure of the blood vessels in the rectal area. Hormonal changes are known to make blood vessels work harder which can cause swelling and irritation. Hemorrhoids due to pregnancy are usually temporary, but can be an important consideration in becoming pregnant.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency is the third leading cause of hemorrhoids. This condition occurs when the blood vessels in the area of the rectum are weakened, causing pressure, swelling and irritation. The pressure can be magnified with sitting or standing for long periods. Exercise and smoking in concert with CVI can cause irritation of the rectal blood vessels for those that are overweight.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, known as IBS, can cause hemorrhoids, especially in cases when IBS is dominated by constipation. Diarrhea is also known to put extra pressure on the rectal blood vessels. Portal Hypertension, which is an increase in the pressure of the blood vessels running from the intestines to the liver, can cause hemorrhoids due to the increased blood flow and pressure.

Any type of hemorrhoid can cause irritation, pain, and bleeding in the areas of the anus and rectum. It is important to identify the cause of your hemorrhoids for future preventative measures. You may want to look at dietary and lifestyle changes to help reduce symptoms.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Venapro Review-5 Reasons To Buy Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment



Why To Buy Venapro

After recently conducting a study on natural hemorrhoid treatments, Venapro is the one product that consistently came out on top. In fact, the results we found with Venapro were very impressive.

This hemorrhoids treatment didn’t just perform at a very high level, but there were also very favourable reactions from all test subjects ranging in age and degree of hemorrhoid condition.

Venapro doesn’t just offer temporary relief either – it brings a cure that lasts by aggressively repairing any damage to tissues, helping your body to speed up the process of healing.

None of the other hemorrhoids treatments we tested came close to these kinds of results.

How Venapro Works

A very effective combination of selectVenapro ingredients medicinal ingredients, which are known to provide anti-inflammatory qualities, as well as the ability to ease the pain, make up the Venapro treatment. Venapro works from inside the body by treating the problem at its source.

All of the natural ingredients found in Venapro have been used for their anti-inflammatory qualities and strong healing abilities for centuries. The Venapro natural hemorrhoid treatment can:

    • Reduce inflammation

    • Work to treat damaged tissue

    • Help bowel movements to be more comfortable by offering natural anesthetic properties

    • Help promote natural blood flow to the rectal area

    • Provide lubrication in the sensitive passages

Some key benefits provided by Venapro include:

    • Helping to ease the mildest to most severe symptoms of inflammation.

    • Offers a long lasting effect for external as well as internal hemorrhoids.

    • Unlike many other hemorrhoid treatments, there are no side effects whatsoever.

Venapro goes straight to work after taking the medicine, and the swelling of the hemorrhoid will begin decreasing significantly within just a couple of days.

The only downside that we could find for taking Venapro was that it can take between four to six months to completely cure the condition for those who suffer from serious hemorrhoids. But, it shouldn’t take very long at all for those who are in the earlier stages of the condition.

Final Word on Venapro

Final word on VenaproOut of all the hemorrhoid treatments we reviewed, Venapro offers the highest level of effectiveness as well as being the safest. In addition, the ingredients are found to be the most potent at such a cost effective price.

Venapro has a sterling reputation on the market, with many satisfied users. There is also a 60 day period in which the product can be returned if you are not completely satisfied, making the purchase completely risk free.

Many of those who have used Venapro mention that the time needed to clear the hemorrhoid problem will vary from one individual to another. For some people, relief may be slower and will require a minimum of at least 4-5 months of treatment to ensure the best results.

It is vital to have a well stocked supply of Venapro to be sure that a regular dosing schedule is maintained because any doses that are missed threaten to decrease the effectiveness of the treatment.